Bug #143
Feature #103: 1.2.[Order management] Quản lý đơn hàng
Feature #108: 1.2.1[Order list] Hiển thị danh sách đơn hàng
[Order list] Missing information about the sales staff.
Added by Tuan Sinh 12 months ago.
Updated 11 months ago.
Sprint 5_15-19/01
- Thiếu các trường thông tin nhân viên bán hàng
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Sprint 5_15-19/01
- Assignee set to Duy Thanh
- Due date set to 01/29/2024
- Estimated time set to 8:00 h
- Status changed from Open to In progress
- Estimated time changed from 8:00 h to 2:00 h
- Status changed from In progress to In review
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from In review to Waiting to test
- Status changed from Waiting to test to Testing
- Subject changed from [Order list] (Làm sau) Missing information about the sales staff. to [Order list] Missing information about the sales staff.
- Status changed from Testing to Closed
- Estimated time changed from 2:00 h to 6:00 h
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